Saturday, September 18, 2010

just all kinds of stuff...

so, there's just all kinds of stuff in my head...

we'll start with that famous guy who got house arrest in his swiss chalet for some trumped up rape charge or something to that effect... really... like that's some kind of punishment?! i want to be under house arrest in my mansion... with the satellite and computers and staff to take care of me... boo hoo!

ok, so those kids who got kidnapped when they were "hiking" on the border of iran?! "hiking"... really?... really, really? like there's not a million other places to go hiking?! hiking in a warzone? who's bright idea was that? and who signed off on that visa? i know... it's the vietnam war... let's go "hiking" through the rice patty... that's like a really bitchin' idea! ARG! stupid people are now my biggest pet peeve, above ill-named children.

and speaking of ill-named children.

if your last name was "camp", would you name your child "timber"? or how about naming a girl jackson, but spelling it "jaxcyn"? or if you last name is "christmas" and you run a christmas tree farm... so you name your son "christopher"? we've got a neighbor whose name is roger rogers, and there's a guy in sapulpa with the name richard head, the nick name for richard is usually dick...

sapulpa schools had a golf tournament to raise funds, instead of holding it at the sapulpa golf course, they have it at oaks in tulsa. why? the sapulpa golf course could really use the money, the city government can't fund it forever.

had some 4th graders from last year who are now the 5th graders that i was really worried about, they were always in detention. this year they are really toeing the line... it's like they all went on vacation to stepford over the summer! everyone is so happy! now, we've got some pre-k - 2nd graders who are so far over the line they can't see it anymore. i just love being argued with by a 6 year old... NOT!

if you're bored, google pics from what they sell in walmart in china... interesting to say the least...

so, K, i'm outta here... stay tuned...