ok, so, the nasty trial of our ex-judge thompson is finally over...thank god! it made the national news, is how gross it was.
but, i knew about the whole thing before it "hit the fan" so to speak. best friend has a friend whose brother is a baliff, who saw it happen and told his sister who called my bestfriend who called me and said "are you ready to be totally grossed out?!" and i was all "oh! god! let me have it.". so, she told me, and i was " like oh my god! that is the grossest thing like ever!". being the nosey person that i can be, i googled the object in question that he used on the bench while presiding over cases, and found that they have an "excutive model", so i called BF back and asked her if she thought that that's what he had, and she was like "you googled that! you would! and yes, that's probably what he had! this is just soooooo gross and weird!"
so, if you haven't been keeping up, he got guilty on all 4 counts with a year in jail for each and a $10,000 fine for each as well. the local paper "the sapulpa daily herald" had a lovely front page with "GUILTY" on it and a large picture of said ex-judge which i plan on cutting out and using for a dart board target.there's another charge that they can't get him on cause the witness has disappeared... she was last seen with the ex-judge. the charge was porn on a state computer, pics of this chick and the ex-judge. so, anyway, i see two ways this could go: 1) she was paid off to leave town and leave no forwarding address or 2) they'll find her with a new ball and chain necklace in lake sahoma (which is the water supply for the local area). i hope it's the first one, but in this county, it will probably be the second.
before i end this entry, i will say that he did one nice thing for me a few years back. i got a jury notice and had to go to his court to report. i was 8 months pregnant with my oldest. he knew me from when i worked at the local dry cleaners, so he says "what are you doing here?" and i held out the notice and said "this says i have to be here", and he took it from me and said "get out of here already! see ya around!".
ok, so that's my ramblings this week, same place next week for a different topic.
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