Sunday, September 10, 2006

modern ending of a 27 yr friendship...

Sent: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 6:59 PMSubject: coat for j***
got back from pearls. she gave me a boys london fog coat, i think size 7 or 8. it looks like it would fit j***. it's dark green and brown. i'll try to drop it by this week, when's a good time?
ttyl, vbffae- ******
Everything is dangerous to your health,So quit worrying about it!

Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: coat for j***
Would you believe this is the THIRD time I'm trying to compose this email???? I never thought I would miss AOL but Juno internet sucks #@###@@!!!!!!! I officially signed off on aol Sat. but this is only temporary - we're getting DSL on the 16th!!! Att/Yahoo is finally available here so dad signed up & even ordered a modem that will allow multiple computers to connect (you can even use it for wireless). I can't wait!
Anyway...about the coat - great!!! I bought one on clearance last year, but the smallest they had was a 10-12 & it's still too big. He wears a 7 in shirts (a 5 in bottoms - I dunno why, but boys' pants seem to run really big. Mom bought him some size 7's & they look like they would almost fit G****!) Whenever you wanna come by is fine, just let me know ahead of time to be sure we're home. I gotta go mail a package sometime in the next couple of days & we'll prob do some shopping sometime this week.
School - yes, he still loves it, but.... we are now homeschooling! For about a week & a half I guess. I had signed up for an immunization exemption because I don't agree with some of the crap they wanted to stick in my kid... all those shots made him sick & there were just more & more & I really think it's overkill. Anyway, well the school had no problem with it, but the school nurse decided to make waves & the exemption wound up getting kicked back by the state health dept. They said my reason for not wanting them was medical & needed a doctor's note. *sigh* The lady at the school wanted me to re-file as a religious exemption , but you have to have a member of clergy & anyway it was just going back & forth & so I just pulled him & started teaching him at home. He's doing an online program for reading & phonics - he has lessons every day & I invested in a stack of really great workbooks & stuff - the same kind of stuff he was bringing home from school. We have school every day (including today, I saw no reason not to) & he's doing well. His favorite subject is math, which surprised the heck out of me. The math worksheets in the kindergarten workbooks are way too easy for him, so I got a first grade book. The only downside to homeschooling is not being around other kids, but... you can't have everything. I found an online group of homeschoolers in Oklahoma & there a ton of resources online & even through the state dept. of education.
Anyway... well, he did got to school long enough to catch a respiratory infection (naturally). We didn't have a doctor anymore since we haven't been on Soonercare in forever, so I had to hunt one up that would take a new patient with no insurance (dad let me use the credit card) & wound up going to see Dr. Ho. He charged me $84 just for an office visit which was less than 10 minutes & during which he only listened to J***'s chest & looked in his ears! Anyway we got 3 prescriptions (one was samples, the other two cost me $30 in generic) one of which was the antibiotic he needed. Whew! He seems to be pretty much getting over it now (at least I *really* hope so... he's hardly been coughing at all today).
Oh - one other little tidbit - On the Virtual Villagers website they now have a teaser - "Coming this winter... the saga continues!" Hmm..... & I noticed a lot of people posted on the message board that they were pretty well annoyed with how the game didn't have any real ending.
Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Lemme know when's a good time for you to come by & we'll work it out! & thanks again about the coat! :)

Sent: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 5:49 PMSubject: Re: coat for j***
ok, i'm going to lay into you a bit now. no, there are not too many shots! i don't think there are near enough what with all the damn mexicans coming in without any shots and sending their kids to school with ours and all. hell, i think they need to re instate the small pox shot. the girls got every one (except that rotovirus one, cause they wern't in daycare), and sure they may have ran a temp and been fussy and had a runny nose... but it's sure better than getting the killing nastyness that the shots prevent! and that whole autism thing is a big load of bullshit! i think that one has to do with some DNA marker they haven't identified yet. i over looked you keeping him out of pre-k cause of the full day thing, but if you don't stop mollycoddling j*** he's going to turn out like f-ing james k.!!!!! it's nice that your parents helped you out and gave you a reprieve on not having to support yourself when he was young, (more than my parents would have done, there would have been an adoption), but it's time you got on with your life. get training if you need it, you won't have to pay for it. if i didn't, you surely won't. other single moms can do it and so can you! i believe in you! even if you don't sometimes, i think. sure, you've been dealt a sucky hand what with tommy and then billy, but gads, you can't let that dictate the rest of your life! you can't let other people ruin your life. you have to pick yourself up and get on with it! you're smart! you can do whatever you want! other moms have had it worse than you, and they pick themselves up and just do it. i well know that you don't like being told what to do, i've known you for more years than i care to think about, you're like the sister i never got, we've been through everything (and i do mean EVERYTHING) together. i don't think that you'd let anyone else tell you what i have. you'd shut them down before they could start. but, it has to be said. i'm telling you this because you're practactly my sister and i love you! i want to see you make more of your life and not just drift from day to day...

ok, done with rant.

it will have to be next week before i can get over there with the coat. wednesday is wash, thursday i've got an appt. at DHS, and friday i've got to clean a house with mom in the morning before class. only this last semester and i'm done, then it's off to the work force. where i can hopefully get a nice job that pays about 30k a year.

ttyl, vbffae- ******
Everything is dangerous to your health,So quit worrying about it!

my parents are behind me 100% about the shots. i don't tell you how to raise your kids (ie what's up with the hubby who gets drunk & doesn't work? and why can't they go trick or treating? you went EVERY year until you were 13! & if *** isn't going to work why don't you??? your house is held together by dct tape, ******!)I know you are a very opinionated person, but you can't expect everyone else to live their lives according to YOUR opinion. I do what I believe is best for my child, sorry to burst your bubble, but what YOU feel is best doesn't come into it. and what the hell does Tommy have to do with this anyway??? You are way too controlling, ******. You think you should decide what is best for everyone & they should just go along with it.

Please don't bother about the coat. We can live without it & I don't want you to come over. Please don't call me either. I've put up with a lot of crap from you over the years but this time you've gone too far. You can go off & live your perfect life - beer cans & duct tape included, blissfully unaware that your life isn't perfect and you don't control the universe. Plus I don't want J*** expose to these ideas you have about how screwed up he must be just because his father isn't around. (I guess it could be better - his father could be laying drunk with a cigarette on the coach all day - yee-haw) I've known this was coming for awhile.

- M****

so, yeah... guess that's all. that's my week. stay tuned...

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