ok, getting up on soap box.
i have yet to understand how the government can block ads for perfectly legal products. this is about the cigarette and tobacco industry, so if you're a commie stop reading now.
this is still a free country, right? we still have free speech, right? so if something is legal and is sold in stores everywhere, why can't said industry advertise their product? i just don't get it. yes, said product is not really healthy for you... as people die from smoke inhalation in house fires... but still. it's a free country! if people want to smoke or dip or whatever is it REALLY your business? no it is not.
i used to smoke, social smoking really, from age 11 to 15. at 15 i decided it was a stupid, smelly, costly habit and never puffed as the cigarette was passed around again. i never smoked pot, even though i could have... there was plenty around the house... dad spent prison time for growing the stuff back in the 80's.
what's brought this to the fore front again is this stupid town in california that passed a law that you can't smoke in your own house. commie libs! lets just start up the gestapo from germany again while we're at it! our freedoms in this country are slowly being chipped away... and no one cares!
when they outlaw tobacco products (yeah! right! like they'd give up THAT tax money!) then i will not have a problem with the ad ban, but until then, i do have a problem. it's just another freedom gone... blowin' in the wind... just out of reach.
now on to the vegiterrorists! you know who you are! you who think you must push your anti meat eating agenda on the rest of us. you who throw paint on really nice fur coats! what else are you gonna do with a mink? it's like a rat! the best thing that happens to it is a nice coat. i really like meat and it's good for me. soy is not an acceptable meat substitute! i've tasted vegi burgers (on accident, mind you! got one at backyard burgers once in a drive thru screw up), and really... yuck! nothing is more enjoyable than that nice steak... just off the grill... with some seasoned potatoes on the side... i can smell it now... can't you? i'm a proud member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals). we raise our own cow... the last one was named T-bone. i like watching the cow grow... knowing that when it's nice and fat and juicy it goes to the butcher and i get lots of beef for the freezer to feed our family.
oooohhhh! i'm really in a mood today... can't you tell? it's the DMS (During Menstrual Syndrome). ok, outta here, must go eat some meat and breathe the secondhand smoke from my husbands cigarettes, i'm sure to some of you out there that means i will die soon. get a life! (gads, i really am horrible today, better get outta here now...
stay tuned...
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