it decided to dump the nastiness on us again. started monday afternoon with ice, followed that evening and the next day with sleet and then topped it off with some snow last night. sun today, but that won't do us much good as it's still below freezing outside. but, hey! i still got power, so i'm a very happy camper!
out of school, of course. roads are a mess. we are now going to school into june, we used our 2 built in snow days last month. i don't see the roads being any better by tomorrow and the weather guys are saying we could have some fog with the icy roads in the morning. i'm thinking that ice and fog don't mix... but that could just be me. mom left for town a bit ago for supplies, she's got studded tires on the front of the dodge caravan. when oldest was little, she said "nana, you have claws on your tires!".
so, the latest bloody jack novel was so great... i started making that whimpering noise when i finished it... wanting more. if you haven't read it, give it a try. the first one is called bloody jack, the author is l.a. meyer or mayer... i'm not so good with the spelling sometimes.
lost is getting good... glad to have it back. life on mars is also back tonight, so that's what i'll be doing this evening... flaked out in front of network tv (a rarity).
k, it's back to puzzle pirates. i must have more poe! and what else am i gonna do? i can't go anywhere and there's only so much tv i can watch and i'm outta books to read. ugh!
so, see ya later... stay tuned...
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