Sunday, August 27, 2006

evil safety videos from hades! pluto is still a planet!!!

back to school week! the girls are happy with their new teachers, the school years is off to a great start.

every year you have to re-watch the safety videos and pass the tests. there are 10. 10 horrible safety videos. if they didn't make them for people with IQ's of 3, they might be watchable... maybe, like if i was really bored and there was NOTHING else to do. these one's are new, they're on the website. the other videos were on cd's we had to watch on the computer... when the disk choose to work, that is. these are at the website... and work when the network chooses to. after the first day of things not wanting to load, the teacher switched to the other server and it was all better. but we still had to watch the stupid things and pass the tests with 100%. not hard.

jack is fine after his trip to the vet. he was a bit mad at us for a few days, but has gotten over it and is at the end of our bed to sleep at night.

lovely storm last night... NOT! the power went off for almost 2 hours, but with that lightening... how could it not. one struck pretty close to the house from how it felt. i don't like storms like that. can't we just get rain and not the nasty bad stuff with it? i shouldn't even be asking that question... this is oklahoma.

notice they sent our dear ex judge straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. nice to see justice being served! and they got that chick that didn't show for the trial in jail too. my dad says that if thompson isn't kept from the general population in prision, then he'll wind up some guys girlfriend. especally if they find out he's a ex-judge. but that's his problem. if he would have kept it in his pants he wouldn't be in this mess...

so, what's up with this whole pluto thing? i mean, really, do they have nothing else to do? do they not have lives? this is like the stupidest thing ever! i refuse to acknowledge this decision... pluto is still a planet!!!!!! and it's ur-anus NOT ur-ah-nus!!! and it's ha-rass-ment NOT harris-ment!!! harris-ment is when you're being bugged by some guy named harris. I AM NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT AND I REFUSE TO START BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT!!! SO THERE!!!

so, ok, yea... i guess that's all for now. stay tuned...

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